Products and goods shipped overseas often come in containers. Yet, gaining access to the container's information is not all that simple. With a customized solution of wholesale distribution within NetSuite, this information can be linked to each transaction and made visible. 

During this webinar, you will learn how to track and manage containers using the NetSuite Container Management Solution. Users gain visibility into the products within each container, the container's value, and its status.

You will find out how to:
  • Group products into containers: Optimize your shipping cost and save money. Reduce the opportunity for error and eliminate time-consuming admin work. 
  • Know the When and Where of your Containers in Transit: Speed up your time to market and serve 
  • Calculate True Landed Cost: Gain control of your prices. Be more competitive. Increase your margins and your overall company revenue. 
  • Get Real-Time Access to your Inventory: Have all the information that you need, in one click, to make sales that you can fulfill. 
View the Webinar Now!