How To Keep Count of Non-Inventory Items in NetSuite


Here’s How To Keep Count of Non-Inventory Items Using Saved Searches

Request More Info About Keeping Count of Non-Inventory Items in NetSuite

1. Create a New Saved Search (Item Search)

  • In your NetSuite account and using the administrator role, go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New.
  • Select Item.



2. Navigate to Criteria subtab

  • Select Type from dropdown and set it to 'is Non-inventory Item
  • Select Can be Fulfilled and set to Yes
  • Use the Transaction... Join field and select 'Type'. Set this to any of Item Fulfillment, Item Receipt
  • Filter by Subsidiary or add any other criteria as necessary


3. Navigate to Results tab

  • Add row for Name and select the summary type Group
  • Create 3 Formula (Numeric) Rows and select a summary type of Sum for all of them
  • Name one of them as Total Inventory remaining in Stock and enter the formula:
    WHEN {transaction.type} = 'Item Fulfillment'
    THEN -{transaction.quantity}
    ELSE {transaction.quantity}
  • Name one of them as Outgoing Inventory and enter the formula:
    WHEN {transaction.type} = 'Item Fulfillment'
    THEN {transaction.quantity}
    ELSE 0
  • Name one of them as Incoming Inventory and enter the formula:
    WHEN {transaction.type} = 'Item Receipt'
    THEN {transaction.quantity}
    ELSE 0


3. Save and Run

Important Note

  • A saved search is created that displays the count of non-inventory items. These types of items cannot be used for inventory adjustments etc. Criteria should account for akk transactions that impact the quantity of these items.

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