How to Change a Password in NetSuite
Here's How to Change a Password in NetSuite
You can apply the password change to your own account or as an account administrator for a specific user.
To change your own password:
Log in to your instance.
On your dashboard, navigate to the Settings portal.
Click the Change Password link.
Enter your current password.
Note: Before you enter your new password, be mindful of the password criteria as set out by NetSuite to ensure that your password is not only compliant with NetSuite standards, but also secure.
Enter your new password.
Enter it a second time to confirm.
Save when all the green checks have been completed for the password criteria.
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To change a password for an employee:
Navigate to the employee record.
Click Edit.
Navigate to the Access sub-tab.
Click checks into the following boxes:
Give access.
Send notification email.
Require password change on next login.
This will give the employee access to NetSuite, inform them via email they have access and can now log in, and will create a forced prompt during login to change their password as per best practice.
Click a check into the box Manually Assign or Change Password.
Enter a password for the employee.
Check the box for Require Password Change on next login.
This will allow the administrator to give access to the employee with a password of their choice and then allow the employee to update it to ensure security.
And there you have it, password changes made easily and efficiently.
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